A Blog About This And That

I do not limit my blog to being just about programming things - but that tends to make up the bulk of it. I like to talk about what is going on, fun things I make/build/create outside of programming, too.

Django Settings and Environment Variables

Using django-environ with environment variables to setup dynamic settings in Django projects!

written by Hannylicious on 06/09/2023

Safeguarding Your Email

Avoid spam while keeping your email private. This is how to keep your email safe in a world where everyone wants it!

written by Hannylicious on 11/25/2021

Easy Dummy Data For Django Development

Yes, it can be done; Yes, it is easy! Factory Boy, a custom command and you are ready to roll.

written by Hannylicious on 04/04/2021

What Are Requirements Files?

They are not mysterious, so lets clarify what they are.

written by Hannylicious on 03/04/2021

Django Testing Checklist

A checklist for getting started with Django tests!

written by Hannylicious on 08/10/2020

Testing Django With Managed And Unmanaged Models

Yes, even unmanaged models can be tested!

written by Hannylicious on 03/11/2020